One of the best things about Athens is that even for longtime explorers of the city there is always something wonderful to discover. The city has many secrets, and every outing has the chance of becoming a revelation. Now a new guidebook promises to make uncovering Athens’ many hidden gems easier than ever.
111 Places That You Shouldn’t Miss is a popular series of guidebooks published by Cologne’s Emons Verlag and which eschews the traditional format and cuts right to the chase, serving up (you guessed it) 111 different experiences in a city, many of which even seasoned locals are unaware of. Numerous cities around the world from London to New Delhi have already been given the treatment, and now it is Athens’ turn.
Authors Alexia Amvrazi, Diana Farr Louis (both of whom have also written for Greece Is) and Diane Shugart have combed through the city they know intimately to create 111 Places In Athens That You Shouldn’t Miss, a must-have edition for Athens newbies and veterans alike.
And what better way to start exploring than by meeting the authors themselves at the first official presentation of the book in the heart of Athens?

On Tuesday the 13th of November at 7 pm, visit Lexikopoleio, the international bookstore on 13 Stasinou Street, on Proskopon Square in Pangrati. As they present their book, the three authors will explain their reasons for selecting specific places, their stories and adventures, love affairs and surprises.
In addition, Nikos Vatopoulos, prominent journalist, a real “connoisseur” of Athens and its every neighborhood, and author of Walking in Athens (published by Metaichmio), will introduce this eccentric new guidebook. He too will entertain the audience with his own personal perspective on the city we all love and give us hints on how we too can delve beyond the familiar and discover its secrets.
Entrance is free. Find 111 Places That You Shouldn’t Miss in Athens on Amazon.
About 111 Places in Athens That You Shouldn’t Miss
The publisher writes:
Athens can be noisy and crowded and confusing, but it’s spontaneous and always surprising. A cable ride up Lykavittos rewards with an incredible panorama but veer off the track to discover the hill’s secret links to Parnitha. The beauty of Kaisariani Monastery’s architecture is matched by the ‘organised wilderness’ of its incredible gardens.
Ancient relics, great and small, mirror a glorious past that remains an example to the world, but they are only the start of what’s great about Athens today. There are the mountains that surround it, busy with climbers, runners and picnic-lovers during the weekends. The ubiquitous graffiti, some admirable, some abhorrent, that reveal what’s bugging the Athenians’ psyche.
Bars, cafes and restaurants thronged with broke Greeks who refuse to stay inside. Stores where you can find vendors as venerable as their antiques and others that are up to date with the edgiest demands. And many surprising, sometimes downright dark, dank and mysterious pockets.
Athens is changing day by day. This book will take you to places that are beyond touristy or trendy; whether hundreds of years old or contemporary, their tales are timeless.