10 Must-Visit Monuments from Greek Antiquity

Explore the architectural wonders of ancient Greece through 10 of its most iconic monuments, revealing tales of gods, heroes, and the birth of democracy.

The ancient Greeks, pioneers of philosophy, democracy, and science, left an indelible mark on Western civilization. For any history buff, Greece offers the ultimate “smorgasbord” of spectacular monuments, revealing a rich tapestry of architectural ingenuity spanning thousands of years. 

Even for those visitors with a passing interest in ancient history, no trip to this corner of the Mediterranean would be complete without spending at least half a day immersed at one of Greece’s numerous archaeological sites. Home to no fewer than 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, as well as plenty of lesser known gems besides, it’s difficult to know where to start. 


Join us a we traverse sacred groves and dramatic cliffs to explore 10 of Greece’s most iconic monuments, spanning the Bronze Age to the Late Roman empire. While not exhaustive and in no particular order, we hope this list will provide a glimpse into the architectural mastery and cultural richness that define the legacy of Greek antiquity.

The Parthenon, Athens

The Parthenon, one of the world’s most famous monuments, graces the Acropolis of Athens, dominating the Greek capital’s skyline. An enduring symbol of ancient Greece’s cultural and artistic achievements, the temple was constructed between 447 and 438 BC under the supervision of master architects Iktinos and Kallikrates, and the sculptor Pheidias, who was responsible for overseeing its sculptural decoration. Dedicated to the goddess Athena Parthenos (the “Virgin”), the city’s patron deity, the Parthenon is the ultimate example of a Doric peripteral temple, featuring a rectangular structure surrounded by columns, with an emphasis on symmetry and proportion.

Beyond its architectural splendor, the Parthenon holds profound historical and cultural significance. Serving as a treasury, religious sanctuary, and symbol of Athenian democracy, it encapsulates the city-state’s political and cultural ideals during its Golden Age in the 5th century BC. The intricate decorative art, notably the 160m-long frieze depicting the Panathenaic Procession, a sacred festival in honor of the birth of Athena, showcase exceptional craftsmanship and narrative storytelling.


Over the centuries, the Parthenon has undergone multiple transformations, from a temple to a church and later a mosque. Despite damage from wars, natural disasters, and cultural vandalism, its enduring legacy persists. Recognized alongside the other monuments of the Acropolis as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, the Parthenon continues to captivate visitors, scholars, and admirers worldwide, symbolizing the epitome of Classical art, architecture, and the cultural heritage of ancient Greece.

For more information about the anatomy of the Parthenon, click here

For out essential guide to the monuments of the Acropolis, click here

The Panhellenic Sanctuary at Delphi, Phocis

The Panhellenic Sanctuary at Delphi, nestled on the slopes of Mount Parnassos in Phocis, central Greece, held a paramount role in ancient Greek religious and political life. Established around the 8th century BC, it became the seat of the Oracle of Apollo, the god of prophecy, and was considered to be the center (“omphalos” – literally “bellybutton”) of the world. Pilgrims from across the ancient Greek world flocked to Delphi seeking guidance on matters ranging from personal affairs to state decisions.

At the heart of the sanctuary stands the Temple of Apollo, an architectural marvel that housed the revered Pythia (or sibyl), the priestess who channeled Apollo’s prophecies. The surrounding structures include the theater, where festivals and musical contests were held, the Tholos, a circular building dedicated to worship of Athena Pronaia, and a number of Treasuries, built by individual Greek city-states to house votive offerings to the Oracle.


Delphi’s significance transcended its religious role; it served as a symbol of unity for the Greek city-states through the Pythian Games and the Amphictyonic League. The Oracle’s ambiguous prophecies influenced major historical events, and the Sanctuary’s prominence endured for centuries.

Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, Delphi’s archaeological remains and majestic landscape attract huge numbers of visitors each year, offering a profound glimpse into the spiritual, cultural, and political dimensions of ancient Greece. 

For more suggestions on what to see and do in Central Greece, click here.

Ancient Theater of Epidaurus, Argolid

The ancient theater of Epidaurus, nestled in the Sanctuary of Asklepios on the Argolid peninsula of the Peloponnese, is without doubt the most iconic example of theater architecture in the ancient Greek world. Constructed in the 4th century BC, the well-preserved theater is renowned for its symmetry and exceptional acoustics, allowing for remarkable sound clarity even in the farthest seats.

Designed by the architect Polykleitos the Younger, the theater accommodates up to 14,000 spectators and boasts a harmonious blend of aesthetics and engineering. The semi-circular seating, perfectly proportioned orchestra, and the skene (scene building) form an architectural marvel that enhances both visual and auditory aspects of performances.


Throughout antiquity, the theater hosted music, singing, and dramatic competitions, showcasing dramas by playwrights like Sophocles and Euripides. Its significance lies not only in its architectural prowess but also in its cultural/religious role, fostering a unique theatrical experience that not only engaged and entertained ancient audiences, but also served as a means to treat patients at the Sanctuary. 

Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988, the ancient theater of Epidaurus stands as a living testament to the enduring appeal of Greek drama. The Epidaurus Festival continues today, attracting tousands of visitors from around the world during the summer months. 

For more about the ancient healing sanctuary of Epidaurus, click here

Bronze Age Citadel of Mycenae, Argolid

Staying in the Argolid, but travelling back in time to the 2nd millennium BC, the citadel of Mycenae is an enduring symbol of the military and cultural achievements of the Mycenaeans, a Bronze Age culture that dominated much of southern Greece, Crete and the Aegean islands. Flourishing between the 16th and 12th centuries BC, Mycenae played a pivotal role in the development of later Greek civilization. 

The citadel was one of the biggest and most important political centers in the Mycenaean world. Protected by massive Cyclopean walls comprised of enormous, irregularly shaped stones, so-called because the later Greeks believed they had been constructed by giant one-eyed cyclopes, Mycenae is intricately linked to mythology and the age of heroes. Its first excavator, Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890), believed the citadel to be the home of the legendary king Agamemnon, leader of the Greek forces at Troy.  


Key features of Mycenae include the iconic Lion Gate, the main entrance adorned with a relief of two lionesses (?), and the Treasury of Atreus, a monumental beehive-shaped tomb attributed to Agamemnon. The palace complex, with its Megaron Hall and royal apartments, reflects the complex political and social organization of Mycenaean society. The discovery of Linear B tablets also contributed significantly to deciphering the Mycenaean script, the oldest known Greek language.

Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999, Mycenae is one of Greece’s most important monuments, offering insights into the advanced civilization that laid the foundations for later Greek culture.

Click here for more information about the mighty citadels of Mycenae and nearby Tiryns.

Minoan Palace at Knossos, Crete

The Minoan Palace at Knossos, located on the island of Crete, is a remarkable archaeological site that provides a window into the sophisticated Minoan civilization that flourished from approximately 2000 to 1400 BC. The palace, popularly attributed to the mythical King Minos, is the largest and most elaborate of the Minoan palatial complexes ever discovered.

Built around a central courtyard, the sprawling labyrinthine layout of Knossos features multi-story buildings, grand staircases, and vivid wall frescoes depicting scenes of daily life, religious ceremonies, and aspects of the natural world. The Throne Room, adorned with an alabaster throne, likely served as the ceremonial and administrative heart of the palace.


The significance of Knossos lies not only in its architectural ingenuity but also in its cultural contributions. The site reveals advanced engineering, such as the innovative use of light wells and a sophisticated plumbing system, and, thanks to the discovery of numerous artifacts and Linear B tablets, is pivotal in understanding the Bronze Age Aegean world and the complexities of Minoan society. 

Its rediscovery in the early 20th century by British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans contributed significantly to our knowledge of ancient Crete, shedding light on a civilization that laid the groundwork for later Greek culture. His work, however, remains hugely controversial, notably for his extensive (and irreversible) reconstructions of architectural remains at the site.

For more information about the iconic Minoan palace, click here.

The Rotunda, Thessaloniki

At the other end of Greece and this list’s chronological timescale, the Rotunda of Galerius in Thessaloniki stands as one of the country’s most iconic monuments from the late Roman empire, a witness to the transition from pagan polytheism to early Christianity. Originally commissioned by the emperor Galerius in the early 4th century AD as a mausoleum, it later functioned as a church, and, during the Ottoman era, a mosque.

Regarded as one of the most multicultural monuments in Thessaloniki, its massive, cylindrical form is capped with a dome and surrounded by intricate masonry. The elaborate and well-preserved frescoes in the interior of the building date to the late 5th century, depicting saints who were martyred during the bloody persecutions of Diocletian and Maximian, who co-ruled in the East from 286-305 AD.


The Rotunda’s importance lies not only in its architectural significance but also in its resilience through multiple cultural and religious phases of the city. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988, as part of the Paleochristian and Byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki, the Rotunda stands as an emblem of the city’s historical continuity and architectural adaptation across epochs, making it a must-visit monument.

For more on the Byzantine-era monuments of Thessaloniki, click here.

Temple of Poseidon at Sounion, Attica

Perched dramatically atop a 60m-high cliff on the southernmost tip of Attica, the Temple of Poseidon draws together all the quintessential ingredients of a Classical Greek site: dramatic landscape, azure blue sea, and an ancient monument imbued with power and mysticism. 

Built in the mid-5th century BC during the Golden Age of Athens, Sounion is a masterpiece of Doric architecture, following the “hexastyle” design. Originally featuring six fluted columns on the short sides and 13 on the long sides, the temple was part of a maritime sanctuary dedicated to the worship of Poseidon, the god of the sea, emphasizing the symbolic connection between Athens and its reliance on naval power. Of the 34 original columns at Sounion, only 15 remain standing today.


The temple’s location at Cape Sounion not only accentuates its aesthetic appeal but also underscores its religious significance as a maritime sanctuary, commanding unbroken views of the sea lanes from the south and the east. As such, it served an important navigational marker for sailors rounding the treacherous coastal waters of the Cape. It also served as a hilltop fortress, guarding against seaborne threats, and included a small naval base, featuring a rock-carved ramp for the launching of ships.

The panoramic views of the Aegean Sea from the temple are breathtaking, especially during sunset, enhancing the site’s allure for visitors.

For more on the history and symbolism of the temple at Sounion, click here

The Panhellenic sanctuary at Olympia, Elis

The ancient sanctuary of Olympia, nestled in the lush valley of the Alpheios River in the western Peloponnese, was one of the most sacred sites in all of Greece. Established in the 8th century BC, Olympia became the birthplace of the Olympic Games, a quadrennial athletic and religious festival honoring Zeus, the king of the gods.

The sanctuary boasts several notable structures in an area known as the Sacred Grove, or “Altis,” including the Temple of Zeus, where the monumental gold and ivory statue of Zeus by Pheidias once stood as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the Temple of Hera (Heraion), both masterpieces of Doric architecture. Alongside the sanctuary and the stadium were a host of administrative buildings, hostels, bathhouses, and sporting structures (Palaestra and Gymnasium) used for the preparation and celebration of the Games


Olympia’s importance transcends its role as a sports venue. It served as a panhellenic gathering place, fostering a sense of unity among the Greek city-states. The Olympic Truce, a cessation of hostilities during the games, aimed at ensuring safe passage for athletes and spectators, reflected the ideals of peace and cultural exchange.

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989, the sanctuary of Olympia offers a tangible link to the ancient Greeks’ reverence for athletic prowess, religious devotion, and the enduring legacy of the Olympic spirit that resonates in the modern Olympic Games.

For more on the ancient Olympic Games, click here

Royal Tombs of Aigai (Vergina), Macedonia

The Royal Tombs of Aigai, located near the modern town of Vergina in Macedonia, ranks among Greece’s most outstanding archaeological sites. Dating back to the 4th century BC, they are associated with the royal family of ancient Macedon, including the tomb of king Philip II (382-336 BC), father of Alexander the Great, discovered in pristine condition by Greek archaeologist Manolis Andonikos in 1977. 

The wider site encompasses a series of elaborate burial mounds, each housing a vaulted tomb. The most significant, known as the Great Tumulus, contained a cluster of royal burials and a rich array of artifacts, including exquisite golden wreaths, arms and armor, intricate frescoes, and the sixteen-rayed “Sun of Vergina,” a starburst symbol associated with the ruling Temenid dynasty, founders of the ancient kingdom.


The Royal Tombs of Aigai are of paramount importance due to their connection to Philip II and the exceptional military strategist Alexander the Great. The artifacts found within the tombs provide valuable insights into the extraordinary wealth and cultural sophistication of ancient Macedon, a kingdom that went on to dominate the city-states of Greece following the defeat of Athens and Thebes at the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC.

Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996, the Royal Tombs of Aigai continue to captivate scholars and visitors alike, contributing significantly to our understanding of Macedonian history and the roots of one of history’s most influential figures, Alexander the Great.

For more on the history of the Royal Tombs of Aigai-Vergina, click here

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens

The Temple of Olympian Zeus, located in the heart of Athens, stands as an iconic testament to the colossal scale and grandeur of ancient Greek architecture. While the Parthenon only took nine years to build, the Temple of Olympian Zeus, dedicated to the king of the gods, took a whopping 638 years to complete. Commissioned by the Athenian tyrant Peisistratos (c. 600-527 BC) in the mid-6th century BC, the project was abandoned in 510 BC after the tyranny was overthrown. The temple remained unfinished for over 300 years – the democratic Athenians believing it hubris to build on such a scale – but it was later completed by the Roman emperor Hadrian, a devoted philhellene, in 131 AD. 

Colossal in scale, the temple featured 104 ornate Corinthian columns that reached a height of approximately 17m. Despite its unfinished state – an early example of a “white elephant” – the temple was renowned in antiquity for its sheer size and magnificence. Upon completion, it housed one of the largest cult statues of Zeus in the ancient Greek world.


The temple’s importance lies not only in its architectural significance but also in its representation of the city’s political and cultural aspirations, especially during the Roman era, showcasing the enormous building program of Hadrian.

Today, the surviving columns and remnants of the Temple of Olympian Zeus stand as a poignant reminder of ancient Athens’ ambitious architectural endeavors and its enduring cultural legacy.

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