Every September, Greece and the other 49 signatory States to the European Cultural Convention take part in the “European Heritage Days” (EHD) initiative, hosting free events at sites, monuments and museums with the aim of raising awareness and appreciation of the rich and diverse mosaic of Europe’s cultural heritage.
Each year, thousands of national and regional EHD events are organized around a special theme, highlighting local skills and traditions, architecture, and works of art. This year’s theme, “Living Heritage and Tradition: Testimonies of Yesterday in Today,” refers to the practices, knowledge and skills that have been passed from one generation to the next, and are still in use today.
In celebration of EHD 2023, and in-keeping with the above theme, the award-winning Acropolis Museum in Athens is organizing a fun-packed family program on September 23rd and 24th, entitled “Looking for today in yesterday’s stories,” specifically aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 12.
Guided by “Pheida,” an Athenian child who lived in the 5th century BC, the young visitors will approach the Museum’s exhibits from a different perspective. During the 90-minute tour, which will be held in Greek only, the children will listen to stories from ancient Greece, explore myths, learn about ancient rituals and beliefs, and connect them to today’s customs and traditions. At the end of the tour, they will have the opportunity to fill their own “time capsule” with items they would like to preserve for future generations to discover.
Participation in the tour is free of charge for children, but a day ticket is required for their parents or guardians.
In further celebration of this year’s European Heritage Days, entrance to the Museum’s exhibition areas will be free for visitors on Sunday 24th, from 5pm until 8pm.
For more information, please visit the Acropolis Museum website.

European Heritage Days
First launched in 1985 by the Council of Europe, European Heritage Days is the most widely celebrated participatory cultural event shared by the people of Europe, boasting up to 20 million visitors every year. The broader aim is to bring citizens together in harmony, despite the difference in cultures and languages.
During the event, doors are opened to numerous monuments and sites across Europe, allowing citizens to enjoy free visits and learn about their shared cultural heritage, and encouraging them to become actively involved in safeguarding and enhancing it for present and future generations.
For more information about this year’s theme and other events hosted elsewhere in Greece and the rest of Europe, visit the European Heritage Days website.