Santorini in Numbers

Interesting facts and figures about the iconic island

12 The number of different names given to Santorini through the ages.

191 Santorini’s ranking among Greece’s 325 municipalities in terms of population size (15,550)


76 Square kilometers is the island’s area and 69 kilometers the length of its coastline.

2,000,000 Approximate number of tourist
arrivals in 2014.

512 The number of cruise ships that docked at Santorini in 2014,
carrying 742,553 passengers.

70,000 Τotal number of beds in hotels
and rooms-to-let.

310,433 Arrivals by airplane in 2014

3 minutes Duration of cable-car ride from Fira
to the port of Athinios (220 m).

1,066,106 Cable-car tickets sold last year.

40 Years is how long it took to restore the beautiful fresco of the Crocus Gatherers.

77 Windmills used to operate on the island.

75 Kilometers of walking trails on the island.

5 Degrees Celsius: the difference in temperature between the sea
and the hot springs of Palia Kameni.

600 Churches and chapels; 50 of them are dedicated
to the Virgin Mary.

150% Is the rate at which the area of land dedicated to the cultivation of fava
grew from 2008 to 2013 (96 hectares – 250 hectares).

350% Is the rate at which the number of tomato producers rose in the same period (57-200).

1.4 Hectares is the area of the excavated site of Akrotiri that is protected
by the bioclimatic shelter.

40 Meters is the maximum depth of Santorini’s soil,
on its plateaus.

70% Of the island is covered in layers of pumice.

84.5 Square kilometers is the area of the caldera.

400 Meters: The depth of the sea in the north-eastern section of the caldera,
formed after the Minoan-era eruption.

3 Hours is the time you’ll need to hike the 9.5 kilometers from Fira to Imerovigli.

(+30) 2286.022.555 The telephone number of the taxi stand
to arrange your return.


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